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  • 113168

    Good Cook 10" Chrome Flat Grater

    Good Cook Everyday Flat Grater fits into small spaces, making it ideal for small kitchens that lack storage space. The stainless steel grating surface is reversible and has three different cutting areas for grating, slicing and shredding. The nonslip feet keep the grater stable on the counter, no matter how many potatoes or carrots need to be prepped. The sturdy ABS frame holds the metal securely, so the grater can be used standing on its feet or placed over a bowl or pot. This grater is 10 1/2 inches long.


    • Grate, shred or slice a variety of foods for toppings, garnishes, fillings and more.

    • Reversible grater is equipped with three different blade styles: coarse, fine and slice.

    • Non-slip feet keep the grater in place to prevent movement when grating upright.

    • Place grater across a bowl to collect ingredients as you grate or add shredded cheese directly into a salad or pasta.

    • Stainless steel grating surface with a durable abs plastic frame.


    10.5-inch length.

    *colors may vary