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  • 115069

    Good Cook Kitchen Shaker

    Add a touch of elegance and convenience to your kitchen with the Good Cook Glass Shaker. This versatile shaker is perfect for keeping your favorite spices and seasonings at your fingertips while cooking or dining. Made from eco-friendly glass, this shaker is not only stylish but also dishwasher safe, allowing for easy cleanup.

    The transparent design lets you easily see what's inside, so you'll always know when it's time for a refill. Measuring 4.25 x 2.8 x 4.25 inches, this shaker can hold up to 5.5 ounces of your favorite spices, making it ideal for everyday use. Whether you're adding a dash of salt and pepper to your grilled chicken or sprinkling cinnamon on your morning coffee, this shaker has got you covered. The removable top is easy to twist on and off, ensuring effortless refilling.

    Plus, the built-in handle makes it easy to pass around the table or move it around the kitchen while cooking.